The environmental situation in the Middle East countries and its changes is one of the most important issues in the contemporary world. Although environmental degradation is a global problem, it is more severe in the Middle East. Environmental activists are trying to make policies to improve the environmental situation in their homeland.There are Works done in Iran and Middle East countries as well.
Drought, extreme heat, and dust storms that are threatening the lives of people in the Middle East are among the environmental problems in the Middle East which are becoming a crisis.These crises could lead to more conflicts in the region in the near future. In Iran, water scarcity, deforestation, air pollution and climate change are among the most important environmental issues.Zolfa Image is the name of a project created by a group of Iranian photographers to document regional crises in Iran and the Middle East.The focus of this project is more on climate change, the state of the environment with social approaches.The scope of this project is firstly in Iran and then in the geographical area of the countries involved in the problems and affected by regional crises, environmental and water resources, as well as issues related to war and the human environment in the Middle East.In addition to environmental topics, the photographers of this project also publish their personal collections and stories from life in one of the most special and complex regions of the world on this site.Zolfa in Arabic is used to mean (acceptable closeness, status and rank). In the "Quran"the holy book of the Muslim, Zulfi is mentioned twice, which both times mean closeness to God.